Critical Airflow specialises in laboratory control and critical airflow applications.
Our systems ensure the environmental integrity of critical facilities based on proven products developed by Aircuity, Phoenix and Strobic Air. Our site is an informative guide of our solutions, our people, and our company.
Aircuity smart systems deliver safe, effective solutions to reduce energy across the university sector in the UK, click on the link to see how Critical Airflow Europe are working with Cambridge University who join a number of Russell Group universities in significantly reducing their energy costs and carbon foot print.
Phoenix Controls has been a recognised leader in precision airflow control systems for critical environments since 1985, The Team at Critical Airflow Europe successfully delivered hundreds of Projects saving our clients in the Health, Pharmaceutical and Higher Educational Sectors, thousands of tons of carbon and significant cost savings over the past 25yrs
Strobic advanced exhaust systems with over four decades of experience are a recognised leader in air extraction from hazardous spaces, Strobic Tri-Stack Fans provide safe effective plume dilution as well as delivering significant energy savings and performance over traditional stacks. Critical Airflow Europe has pioneered the application of this technology since 2002 completing numerous projects in UK, Europe, Africa and the Middle East